09 Apr Is Marijuana A Depressant?
You may be exploring whether or not you should cut back on your marijuana consumption and wondering about its effect on the body. Is marijuana a depressant, a stimulant, or something else? How can you overcome marijuana dependency for good? Keep reading for more information.
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How is marijuana classified and why?
Marijuana contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive chemical that can alter a person’s mental state. As such, marijuana is a depressant, a stimulant, and a hallucinogen.
It is generally considered mainly a depressant with stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. Consuming marijuana can have different effects that vary from person to person, as well as by consumption method.

Marijuana classifications can be broken down into the following effects:
Depressants calm the nervous system and slow brain function.
Positive depressant effects:
- Helps with relaxation
- Relieves anxiety
- Helps with sleep
Adverse depressant effects:
- Poor concentration
- Reduced motor coordination
- Memory problems
- Slurred speech
- Slowed breathing
- Dizziness
Marijuana’s depressant effects can impact those with depression or related mental health conditions negatively, sometimes causing symptoms to become worse. People struggling with marijuana addiction may also struggle with motivation and have difficulty in completing daily tasks.
Stimulants increase alertness and elevate mood.
Positive stimulant effects:
- “High” or euphoric feelings
- Increased attention span
Adverse effects of stimulants:
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Restlessness
- Paranoia
People who have anxiety or panic attacks may increase their risk of symptoms by consuming marijuana due to its stimulant effects. However, others may experience relief from anxiety symptoms.
Hallucinogens alter a person’s perception of reality.
Positive hallucinogenic effects:
- Heightened sensory perception that may feel enjoyable
Adverse hallucinogenic effects:
- Nausea
- Increased heart rate
- Paranoia
- Powerful and/or unpleasant hallucinations
Researchers believe there may be a link between marijuana use and an increased risk of psychotic disorders. These conditions may include delusions and hallucinations.
Can quitting marijuana cause withdrawal?
Those who use marijuana heavily, or have used it for a long time, may experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using marijuana. Over time, you can develop a tolerance to marijuana, meaning you have to gradually consume more to feel the same effects. Marijuana withdrawal does not present the dangers that alcohol or opioid withdrawal can.
However, users should still be prepared to face symptoms such as:
- Anxiety, depression, irritability, or agitation
- Nausea, stomach pains, appetite loss, or weight loss
- Insomnia, fatigue, or restlessness
Marijuana withdrawal symptoms typically start within 24 hours of quitting, and peak within 48-72 hours. Other symptoms can linger, but generally cease after 3 weeks.

How can you overcome marijuana dependence?
If you are struggling with marijuana addiction, you should reach out to a medical professional for help. Addiction healthcare experts can work with you to create a tapering schedule to quit gradually. They may also be able to prescribe medication to help ease withdrawal symptoms to help you successfully detox.
Doctors can also evaluate you to determine if there are any underlying medical issues that can be treated to help support your recovery. It is not uncommon for people to self-medicate mental health conditions with marijuana. A health expert can direct you to the treatment you need, which can help lessen the impact of withdrawal and support long term recovery.
Elite Home Detox Can Help You Overcome Marijuana Dependency
If you are struggling with marijuana addiction, reach out to Elite Home Detox. We are a licensed, mobile healthcare practice offering addiction-focused healthcare. Our experts can work with you to develop a withdrawal management plan centered around your unique needs.
We offer full support services, including:
- In-Home Detox: Healthcare professionals will visit your home to monitor progress and administer treatment for detox symptoms
- Sober Companionship: Sober companions are specially trained to act as personal coaches to help you adjust to a drug-free lifestyle
- Psychiatric Evaluation: Get treatment for any underlying mental health disorder to help achieve better health and avoid relapse.
- Case Management: Get matched with support services based on your individual needs.
- Medication Assisted Treatment: Detox symptoms and cravings are managed with medications to make you as comfortable as possible
- Interventions: Our Intervention Specialists can work with friends and family to develop a supportive message to help motivate a loved one to get help for their addiction
- NAD IV Therapy: NAD IV therapy can help the body heal faster and reduce withdrawal symptoms
- Concierge Medical Services: We offer addiction-focused healthcare treatment to help address the short and long term health concerns that may appear during recovery.
We also offer aftercare monthly memberships, which include a number of support services for a monthly fee. We are proud to offer a discreet, patient-focused rehabilitation practice – contact Elite Home Detox by giving us a call or clicking the button below today!