30 Nov What Is The Success Rate Of Drug Rehab?
Drug rehab statistics success rates vary significantly based on the type of substance, facility, mode of treatment, and even location. For example, one study found that after one year of facility-based treatment, the frequency of substance use fell significantly. At the same time, outcomes for crack cocaine and alcohol at 4-5 years post-treatment did not differ considerably from intake.
These results point to two issues: how drug rehab success rates are measured is highly subjective and hence flawed, and two, using the same program to treat different addictions does not work. Solving these two dilemmas requires a rethink of drug rehab success rates and how to treat substance use disorders in a non-standardized way.
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Redefining drug rehab success rates
Traditional rehab facilities define drug rehab success rates as a reduction in drug levels in the body (detox) and a reduction in overall substance usage at the end of the treatment cycle (usually between 28 and 90 days).
What this way of measuring success rates does not account for is long-term overall health and relapse incidences. The National Institute of Drug Abuse notes that drug rehab relapse rates align with other chronic diseases: 30-50% for Type 1 diabetes, 40-60% for drug addiction, and 50-70% for hypertension and asthma.

Are traditional drug rehab facilities failing to provide long-term recovery?
The percentages above suggest that drug addiction mimics chronic illnesses and cannot be treated the same way as an infection: in other words, admit the patient, give them drugs, and then cut them loose.
Despite SAMHSA stating that substance abuse is a chronic disease, most traditional rehab facilities treat it as an acute condition that can be cured, and in doing so, continue to have poor long-term outcomes.
That is why a new way of treating substance use disorders is required. In-home drug rehab is a new and promising option that just might bridge this gap.
How in-home drug rehab bridges the traditional rehab gap
In-home drug rehab delivers support, treatment, and accountability to individuals in their homes. This radically new approach to drug recovery recognizes that taking an addict away from triggers is not the answer. It also recognizes that every individual is a unique case requiring a customized treatment program that addresses their needs.
Treating people in their homes helps them develop robust coping mechanisms anchored in their daily lives. Additional services like regular testing, psychiatric evaluations, IV therapy, and concierge medical services further strengthen the treatment program, offering a long-term recovery plan that is more sustainable and practical.
Get A Customized Detox And Recovery Program Without Leaving Home
Traditional rehab facilities play a critical role in society, helping thousands of individuals battling substance abuse to turn their lives around. In-home drug rehab complements them by providing a viable alternative that offers better long-term drug rehab statistics success rates.
Elite Home Detox is a pioneer in in-home drug treatment and offers a comprehensive suite of services backed by qualified healthcare professionals. As one of a handful of in-home detox providers in the country, we are leading the way in helping individuals find customized and sustainable treatment for substance use disorders in the comfort of their homes.
Contact us today to learn more about our groundbreaking service.