What Are Your Drug Rehab Treatment Options?

Drug rehab treatment options offer individuals with a substance use disorder (SUD) an opportunity to recover and live a more balanced and productive life. However, one challenge that arises is how to pick an option that will work in the short and long term.

The three main types of rehab available are outpatient drug rehab treatment, inpatient drug rehab treatment, and in-home drug rehabilitation treatment. Whichever option one picks comes with pros and cons that can either support recovery or hinder it. This article provides a brief overview of each and wraps up with our recommendation of which one is the best option.

Inpatient drug rehab treatment

Inpatient rehab treatment for drugs requires an individual to check into a residential facility to undergo treatment. Also called residential treatment, inpatient treatment puts individuals with an addiction in a controlled environment where every moment is scheduled and monitored by experienced clinicians.

Inpatient drug rehab usually runs for short periods, usually an average of twenty-eight days, within which time a person has limited contact with the outside world. After this time, individuals return to their everyday lives, ideally having regained control over their lives and the ability to better cope with triggers.

Pros and cons of inpatient rehab treatment


  • Comprehensive care for all conditions, including detox, psychiatric treatment, and social adjustment
  • Round-the-clock accountability, support, and monitoring
  • Physical separation from drug use triggers


  • Separation from family and other support networks
  • Inability to work or take care of children or pets
  • Some programs do not allow cell phones or internet access
  • High cost of 24/7 care, including accommodation and meals
  • A controlled environment does not prepare one to deal with triggers in the real world
  • A short stay might not be enough to allow sufficient recovery and rehabilitation

Outpatient drug rehab treatment

Outpatient drug rehab requires an individual to visit a drug recovery facility during scheduled hours each week. While less restrictive than inpatient treatment, it does require significant commitment to attend sessions, especially if they are far from home.

Sessions typically focus on individual and group counseling, drug abuse education, and teaching attendees how to cope without drugs. Outpatient programs work well for mild-to-moderate addictions or long-term recovery due to the remote nature of the treatment.

Pros and cons of inpatient drug rehab treatment


  • The flexible schedule can easily fit into one’s day
  • It does not impose on areas like a job or other daily obligations
  • Allows a person to stay with their family during treatment
  • Usually more affordable than inpatient treatment


  • Going back to the same environment after treatment can make it easy to fall back into unhealthy habits
  • Limited medical support during detoxification
  • Usually does not address other co-occurring conditions like depression, anxiety, and panic attacks
  • It does not offer ongoing support, especially outside of session

In-home drug rehabilitation treatment

In-home or at-home drug rehabilitation is a relatively new way of treating SUD that is showing great promise. As the name suggests, a drug rehab treatment provider brings a comprehensive range of drug rehab treatments to a person’s home. Described differently, it is a concierge drug rehab service where, instead of going to rehab, rehab comes to you.

Dr. Stuart Gitlow, past president of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, had this to say about in-home drug rehab: “Treating addiction at home makes sense because it’s the exact place where people learned all their unhealthy habits.”

By providing in-home support, this type of treatment helps a person transition away from drugs while in the same environment that might have all the triggers.

Pros and cons of in-home drug rehabilitation treatment


  • In-home detox provides private and discreet care at home, ensuring privacy during treatment
  • It offers convenience as all services are provided in your home
  • It works well for long-term recovery because the treatment does not interfere with one’s life
  • Detox can be combined with other in-home services such as concierge medical services, interventions, psychiatric evaluations, and IV therapy


  • Limited availability because few services offer it
  • Requires giving the provider access to your home (with your consent, of course)
  • It can become tedious constantly having providers coming to your house, especially for longer stretches
  • Staying at home exposes an individual to drug use triggers (although treatment will help the individual develop healthy coping habits for these)


Inpatient vs. Outpatient vs. In-home: How to Pick the Best Option

Picking the best option ultimately boils down to what works for each individual. Sometimes, a combination of treatment types can work. For example, a brief stay at an inpatient facility followed by in-home treatment can be the most effective option for those with severe addiction.

At Elite Home Detox, we do not believe in offering one-size-fits-all programs. Our in-home drug rehab treatment services focus on creating a customized recovery plan that helps you or your loved one recover and develop the skill set you need to prevent relapse, all from the comfort of your home.

If you would like to learn more about our in-home detox treatment services and whether they are a good fit for you, contact us today by clicking the button below.


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