What is Klonopin? Uses, side effects,withdrawal symptoms and more

Most of us trust our doctors and believe that when they give us a prescription to treat a particular condition, it is safe to use and won’t cause any problems. While this is generally the rule that medication is supposed to help us, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t risks associated with taking some medications or that there aren’t side effects to be concerned about. This is true when it comes to drugs used to treat disorders of the brain or central nervous system, as these are key body parts.

At Elite Home Detox, we understand how easy it can be to be prescribed a drug and unaware of the potential risk factors for side effects, addiction, and even interactions with other medications. That’s why in this post, we will look at the drug Klonopin, its uses, potential side effects and interactions with other drugs, the potential for addiction and withdrawal, and how to get help if you become addicted.

What is Klonopin, and how does it work?

Klonopin is the brand name of the drug known as Clonazepam. Klonopin belongs to a category of drugs known as Benzodiazepines, or “benzos” as they are known colloquially, are most often prescribed to treat mental health conditions and conditions that are related to the central nervous system. For this reason, Klonopin and drugs like it are widely prescribed and widely available.

Klonopin, like other benzos, works on the brain and the to control how messages are sent between the two. For instance, for someone who suffers from panic attacks, Klonopin helps to slow down signal transmission and reduce the feelings of fear and anxiety that cause the attacks to manifest in the first place.

Klonopin is also considered a sedative due to the way in which it slows reactions to and from the brain. This means that the drug can also slow reaction time, motor function, speech, and even heart rate and breathing if taken in high dosages.

woman holding bottle and blue and white round pills

Klonopin is listed as a controlled substance, and prescriptions of the drug are tightly controlled because of its addictive potential and possible interactions with other substances, given how it affects the body.

Potential side effects and interactions

Klonopin is prescribed to treat very specific issues and is sometimes used in combination with other medications for the treatment of other disorders. However, due to the fact that it acts on the body’s central nervous system, there are risks associated with combining this medication with other drugs, especially other sedatives, as this can have severe consequences, including slowed breathing to the point of death.

Given the nature of the drug, it is quite possible that there are other potentially dangerous interactions that could happen when combining Klonopin with other substances, so it is a good idea to discuss any potential medication changes with your doctor while taking Klonopin and to note any adverse reactions and report them immediately.

Potential side effects of the drug Klonopin include drowsiness, dizziness, slurred speech, inability to focus, loss of coordination, and increased saliva production.

depressed man

Most of these effects are mild and short-lived so long as the recommended dosage is followed. Some patients have experienced depression and suicidal thoughts/ideation in severe cases. If these side effects occur, report them to your doctor immediately.

Potential for addiction and misuse

All benzos are considered highly addictive substances. Even when taken as prescribed, there is the potential for a patient to become addicted due to the way the drug functions within the body. This is no different for Klonopin.

Many people misuse benzos because they like the drug’s feeling. In the case of Klonopin, many people take it because of the calming and relaxing effects it has. When taken routinely, it can have an effect similar to alcohol which many people enjoy. Using more than the prescribed amount makes it easier to become addicted.

The primary reason that people become addicted to Klonopin is that their body needs it. It is the reason that even those who don’t abuse the drug may become addicted. As a person takes a drug like Klonopin, the receptors in the brain and the central nervous system begin to change. This change happens gradually, but the more time a person spends taking the drug, the more the body becomes dependent on it to function normally.

Once a person has become totally dependent on the drug to the point that they need it to function in day-to-day life, they have become fully addicted. Battling addiction alone is never a good idea. It is always best to get professional medical help.

Withdrawal symptoms and timeline

Klonopin is a long-acting medication which means that withdrawal can take hours to days to begin and may persist for several days or even weeks depending on factors like length of use and how much was taken over that course of time.

Symptoms range from:

  • mild irritability
  • anxiousness
  • fever
  • sweating
  • fatigue
  • and vomiting

Return of symptoms that were being treated by the drug, such as:

It is also possible while withdrawing from Klonopin that symptoms are intermittent, coming and going as the drug leaves the person’s system and the body gradually readjusts.

Health factors also play a role in the severity of withdrawal. A person may experience more dire consequences if they have underlying health conditions that conflict with the withdrawal symptoms. For these reasons, it is never a good idea to quit using Klonopin outright, nor should a person try to quit without medical supervision.

Let Elite Home Detox help you today

If you know someone addicted to Klonopin and are ready to get them the help they need, call Elite Home Detox today. Rather than dealing with a rehab center and having no privacy, we come to you with our trained medical staff to support your detox.

EHD Can Help You Through The Withdrawal Process

Elite Home Detox is here for you if you need help withdrawing from Klonopin or any other addictive drug. We can provide you with the one-on-one care you need while going through detoxification and withdrawal symptoms caused by addiction. And best of all, we come to you! You can make a full and lasting recovery in the comfort of your home with the help of our expert medical team. Contact us today to learn more.


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