17 Jun How Long Does Tramadol Stay in Your System?
If you’re currently taking tramadol and have to do a drug screening, you may have asked yourself, “how long does tramadol stay in your system?”
Knowing how long traces may stay in your body is required information to plan ahead. Keep reading to learn more about tramadol and drug tests.
This information can also be useful for individuals who may be prescribed tramadol and need to inform their employer or healthcare provider about potential drug screenings.
Table of Contents:
Understanding the half-life of tramadol
You may have encountered references to tramadol’s half-life when discussing drug screenings. Half-life refers to the average time necessary for 50% of a tramadol dose to exit the body.
Determining half-life assumes two things:
- That the person involved is overall healthy
- No tramadol is already present in the system

In other words, if you have a health issue or are taking high or frequent doses, tramadol will stay in your body longer than the average 6 hour half-life.
Tramadol’s detection window – how long does it stay in your system?
Drug screenings don’t necessarily deal in absolutes. This means that negative results don’t mean your system is 100% clear of the drug. Drug tests have a cut-off value, meaning that they determine whether more than a predetermined percentage is present.
You should keep this – as well as your current overall health and dosing regimen – in mind and consider erring on the side of caution when making decisions about your upcoming health screening. A window of detection refers to the average timeframe a person will test positive after their last dose.
Hair test
Hair testing for tramadol has the lengthiest detection window, needing 10-90 days to wear off. Depending on circumstances, it is possible for the drug to remain in your hair for much longer.
Blood test
Blood tests for tramadol are less common, but may be used for research or health care. Tramadol’s average window of detection for blood tests is 12-24 hours.
Urine test
The detection window for tramadol in a urine test is 3-5 days. It’s important to note that kidney and liver health are essential in the process of tramadol exiting the body, so health conditions affecting these organs may almost double the detection window.
The best way to test negative
If your drug screening happens to coincide with prescribed medical treatment, there may be ways to submit disclosures regarding your prescriptions to either delay testing or make different arrangements. You should contact your doctor and the test administrator to discuss how to move forward.
If, however, you are struggling with addiction to tramadol, the upcoming drug screening may feel like the top of a mountain of troubles. It may be time to admit that the best way for you to avoid issues with drug testing is to stop using tramadol and take control back over your life. Tramadol withdrawal can be intense, so you should get help from addiction experts who can help you create a plan to avoid the dangers and successfully overcome your addiction.
Elite Home Detox Can Help You Get Tramadol Out Of Your System For Good
If fear of being trapped in a medical setting is what has stopped you from seeking help with tramadol addiction, consider Elite Home Detox. We are a concierge provider of in-home detox services. Our compassionate care coordinators will work with you to develop a rehabilitation plan. Then, one of our expert medical professionals will come to you and remain onsite 24/7 during the detox process.
We also provide aftercare and recovery support with our in-home counseling and medical services specifically designed to support your recovery. We’re ready and waiting to answer your questions – call or click the button below for a custom consultation today!