Psychiatric Evaluation
for Substance Abuse

Our evaluations assess patients’ mental health to diagnose any co-existing disorders, helping our team develop a comprehensive rehab plan that addresses all aspects of addiction.

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Why get a psychiatric evaluation?

Mental health issues and substance abuse problems often go hand in hand. Elite Home Detox is certified to make dual diagnoses in order to comprehensively address our patients’ rehabilitation.

The benefits of a psychiatric evaluation for substance abuse include:

  • Assessing and diagnosing an underlying mental health disorder helps determine the best treatment plan.
  • Rehab plans will include treatment for the patient’s mental health as well as the addiction itself.
  • Treatment plans can address substance use triggers more effectively.
  • Treatments for co-existing mental health disorders can help empower patients to prevent relapse for long-term sobriety.
  • Treatments can help improve work, school, and social and family relationships.

What to expect during a psychiatric evaluation

A psychiatric evaluation assesses the patient’s genetics, social environment, cognition, education, and emotional health to determine if a mental health disorder is present alongside the patient’s substance abuse disorder.

An assessment generally takes the form of an informal conversation and may include:

  • Behavior and symptoms
  • Substance abuse history
  • Personal history of mental health
  • Family history of mental health
  • Medical history

If a co-existing mental health disorder is diagnosed, the patient’s rehab plan will treat both issues to better help the patient achieve full and lasting rehabilitation.

psychiatric evaluations for substance abuse

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We offer a variety of detox and anti-craving services that can help you fight drug and alcohol addiction.

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